I guess a good subtitle for this post should be: “Dear Detroit: Sorry but we’re just not that into you”. Detroit gets a pretty bad rap. Leading up to our visit, there were probably a half dozen folks who we told that Detroit was on our destination list and who then gave us an incredulous or inquisitive look of shock. We persevered on though because hey, you never know till you go! Not only that, (more…)

After Montreal, we made our way south and west to the Syracuse, NY area to visit Elisa’s family. Burlington was along our way so we made stop there. Turns out we enjoyed it and would love to come back for a week or more and use it as a base to explore the many things Vermont has to offer. Burlington, VT Syracuse, NY Next stop after Burlington was Syracuse for almost a full week of (more…)

We rented an apartment through Airbnb for a month between July and August. The city has been on our shortlist of places to visit again since our brief trip to Montreal and Quebec in 2014. Turns out it was a wonderful decision to stay for as long as we did and we are looking forward to coming back soon! We’ve even talked about trying to purchase a rental property in the city so we can (more…)

The last two weeks of June and July we enjoyed by relaxing in TN before heading up the east coast to our month-long stay in Montreal at the end of July/beginning of August. We got things in order in Nashville and visited with Nicole and Jose and then Mayne’s parents in Knoxville. It was a short visit but we are happy for every chance we get to hangout with the family. After TN we decided (more…)

We have been hearing great things about Berlin for years, so our week-long visit at the end of our Spring 2016 Eurotrip was much anticipated. In general, frequent travelers seem to agree that Berlin is the most progressive, liberal, artistically enticing and affordable city in “western” Europe. Based on our stay, we would agree. Berlin has a tragic history in the last century – ignominiously being the seat of a Nazi power during WWII, almost (more…)

We’re back in the states after our month in Europe, and just now catching up on emails, the business and things like updating this blog. It was a fun trip and we are very grateful to have been able to take it, but it’s also good to get back into the swing of things here in the states. We didn’t work much while abroad so it was kinda like a “vacation” in the context of (more…)

Still traveling in Europe, we’re now in Berlin, Germany and enjoying the unseasonable cool weather this summer. It has been good to have almost a week in every city we’ve visited so far and it gives us plenty of time to explore at our leisure and to enjoy our “vacation” from work and travel in the US. While in Belgium we made our base in Antwerp and took a couple daytrips to Ghent and Brussels (more…)

Hola amigos! We’re still traveling on our euro-trip and we’re currently in Amsterdam. It’s beautiful weather here and we haven’t had a lot of down-time to write blog posts. Here are some pics from Madrid instead: We’ll catch back up with Belgium soon!

After leaving NYC we headed back down south – way south. Our destination was Sarasota, FL for Nicole and Jose’s wedding, but we had plenty of time to enjoy the journey. Our first stop was Harrisonburg, VA to visit Brandon and Valerie for a day or so. We enjoyed the setting of a pastoral landscape framed by the Appalachian mountains, as well as getting to hangout with some good friends. Our second pit-stop was (more…)