Picking an itinerary is a fun challenge. In previous travels, we have planned every day and destination and made multiple lists of attractions and activities. We are traveling for a while now – at least a year or two – so it’s a little overkill for all that jazz. Instead, we are trying to keep loose and allow happenstance to occur. However, we do have a rough itinerary based on the time of year and (more…)

I heard something the other day that took my mind out of its normal day-to-day stupor of routine and set it humming with ideas. What I had read was originally posted on the website of National Geographic, and is written by Robert Reid. Reid spoke with David Eagleman, a neuroscientist and bestselling author who has done research into the science of perception. Eagleman’s research suggests that perception of time passing slows down when someone is experiencing new things. Novel activities take your (more…)