First of all, we’d like to send a shout-out to Aunt Joan who was kind enough to let us use her east-village apartment for our month in NYC. The location of the apartment was perfect and it would have been a very hard destination to manage without her place. Elisa lived in the apartment for a short time after college so we already had a jumpstart to getting the lay of the land. First impressions (more…)

It’s fair to say that we have a love hate relationship with Atlanta. We like ‘mama bear’ sized cities (those big enough to have a variety of restaurants and a good sized airport) so the grind of visiting a big city means we would probably never choose to live in one. However, we’ve visited countless times and will continue to visit for many reasons. Things we love: • Family and friends – many friends (more…)

Picking an itinerary is a fun challenge. In previous travels, we have planned every day and destination and made multiple lists of attractions and activities. We are traveling for a while now – at least a year or two – so it’s a little overkill for all that jazz. Instead, we are trying to keep loose and allow happenstance to occur. However, we do have a rough itinerary based on the time of year and (more…)

First – a little update…. We have fallen a little behind in posting, mainly because we have been so busy! We are both working from the road which is fun but takes time, and we have spent the past two weeks straight hanging out with friends and family in Atlanta, Nashville and then Knoxville. It has been a blast and we are so thankful to be able to live this lifestyle which allows us (more…)

We love O’ahu! We’ve decided that it is definitely our favorite Hawaiian island that we’ve been. It’s our second time here together (the first time was on our honeymoon), so we have been excited for some time to revisit our favorite spots on the island. We stayed for a whole week, which honestly seemed like it was going to be too long we first arrived. However, by the time that we left we wished that (more…)

Our second travel stop this year was Maui. It was Elisa’s first time there and Mayne’s second (a shorter visit on cruise). So far, it is our second favorite Hawaiian island of the four that we have visited. The vibe in Maui is more up-scale than the other islands. There is a good mix of city living available as well as rural, up-country living. My guess is that the real estate on Maui is the (more…)

After San Diego we redeemed some British Airways points to fly on American Airlines from LAX to KOA (Kona, on the big island of Hawaii). This is one of the cheapest ways to get a free flight to Hawaii, at only 12.5k miles + $5 ticketing fee one-way per person from the west coast. You can transfer Chase Ultimate points to British miles or just use British miles, if you got them. Accumulating enough miles (more…)

After many months of waiting we are finally on the way! We left Nashville on a weirdly warm day December 29th but we were both looking forward to our first couple stops in sunny California and Hawaii. It is exciting to be back on the road and we are grateful for the opportunity to live in the present and make our goal of travel a reality! We will certainly miss our family and friends along (more…)

This is a hard question to answer. It’s also the first (and usually only) question people ask when we tell them that we are quitting our jobs to travel. I think it’s a knee-jerk response question akin to asking how old a newborn is or when a pregnant woman is due. When asked this question, I used to always start off by saying San Diego, then Hawaii, then Singapore, then up the coast of Thailand, (more…)

It’s been literally years in the making, but the time we have been dreaming about finally draws near! We’re leaving our jobs next month and will begin traveling full time after Christmas! We have been planning the trip more or less since we got married 3.5 years ago, and in earnest the past year or so. The whole planning phase has been many things – exciting and fun and challenging and overwhelming. We’ve read countless (more…)